.. _gridsim-core: ################### The Simulation Core ################### .. warning:: This section will be only interesting for Gridsim module developers, if you just use the library, you should be more interested by :ref:`gridsim-use`. The following section describes the core of Gridsim hidden to the user but useful for developers. It consists into three parts : * :ref:`gridsim-core-mod` * :ref:`gridsim-electrical-core-mod` * :ref:`gridsim-cyberphysical-core-mod` * :ref:`gridsim-thermal-core-mod` .. note:: This part is the low level of the simulator, Gridsim also provides tools to help the development of modules or elements: :ref:`gridsim-tools`. .. _gridsim-core-mod: *************** The core module *************** .. automodule:: gridsim.core :members: :undoc-members: .. _gridsim-electrical-core-mod: ********************* The electrical module ********************* .. automodule:: gridsim.electrical.core :members: :undoc-members: .. _gridsim-cyberphysical-core-mod: ************************ The cyberphysical module ************************ .. automodule:: gridsim.cyberphysical.core :members: :undoc-members: .. _gridsim-thermal-core-mod: ****************** The thermal module ****************** .. automodule:: gridsim.thermal.core :members: :undoc-members: